>>10493997Octopus mode is really fun - all eight tentacles are multi-jointed and super poseable, attached to the main body via balljoints; the four 'middle' tentacles, in particular, have a second set of balljoints under the colored symbols that let them twist and pivot for an even greater range of motion. The limbs are fairly sturdy and can hold poses very well, allowing it to stand freely and hold its body up off the ground with no assistance needed whatsoever. Deep Purple's eyes seem to have a bit of light-piping going on - something I haven't seen in too many other Beast Boxes (the last one I can remember being Acid Ghost), but it's not that great, as only the top half of the eyeballs seem to light up. The mantle is hollow and has a little panel that folds down underneath; this panel has a fold-out peg on it that allows the Mother Brain Module to plug into it when folded up, allowing the smaller unit to ride around comfortably inside the actual octopus; I still haven't decided if the Mother Brain Unit is supposed to be a drone or the actual pilot (in the same vein as Ricochet and BigPower being the little Joey and Panda cub while the larger figure is actually just a mech suit).
There's also a peg hole on the bottom in roughly the same place a real octopus' beak would be that you can plug the fold-up stand into.