>>11224006If you're not a Joytoy collector, what are you then?
I became infamous for shitting on the Figma Robocop. Lotta dumb fanboys got enraged, because i pointed out it has a shitty soft sculpt and looked awful. But i doubt you're a Figma fan, since Figmas have improved since then and my grudgeholders are newer.
Are you obsessed with me because i mocked the awful sculpts on Figuarts, because children toy companies like Hasbro have better sculptors than them?
Maybe you got superbutthurt because i pointed out that the Mythic Legions line has plastic that's as bad as Joytoy's and how they've also continued cheaping out on QC for just as long as Joytoy?
It has to be one of the expensive toylines, because I've never gotta people angry with any other toyline that they've become obsessed with me. So don't even lie, it has to be something expensive and a line i actually collect, otherwise i'd never comment on it.
It's why i think you guys are poorfags. You're buying stuff that's above your means, thus being super duper defensive and delusional, to justify not being able to afford food for a week/month to buy them.
This deluded desperation makes you into rock bottom losers. So initial point wasn't that Joytoy fanboys are the only rock bottom collectors, they're just the clearest modern example. I mean, even 4H fanboys seem to have given up their fandom, after 4H shat on them for publically posting the newest wave breaking as easily as Joytoy figures and in-stock sales going poorly.