>>6007872Hey, you don't have to tell me the guys a dick. I'm just pointing out that hes free to do what ever he wants. I've personally never sold anything in my life, but I have been taken up the ass by a few LE doll scalpers before.
>>6007893>treating customers like that is not exactly good for businessI completely agree, but that's life. We live in a world that tries to squeeze as much out of you while giving you as little in return as possible. Restaurants do it, Film studios do it, even the Disney store does it by lowering the quality of LE dolls while raising the already high price point of $100 to $120. Hell I went to Burger King last year, and the guy actually counted how many individual onion rings went into the bag instead of just scooping them in. As he plucked each onion ring into the bag I asked why, and was told that "the new manager doesn't want us giving out more than 8 onion rings per bag." I personally never went back. Not because I wanted more food mind you, but because the act of counting onion rings me disgusted me. Sadly for ever one person that stands up against a dick seller by not giving them money ten new people will eventually take their place.
Point is that the owner of a property can do what he wishes to do with his property. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make it fair, but if their is no law in place to stop him there's not much you, and I can do other than to not give them business.