>>7530344So how well does Bopeep wear other doll clothes? I bought a cheap generic outfit from Wal-Mart to find out. The top went on better than I thought with the hands going through the sleeves with very little trouble. Nothing too tight or loose with the velcro in the back, as expect by a standard Babs upper torso.
However, Bopeep’s HUEG ass was where trouble was brewin’. You see, there’s a tiny thread of ribbon inside the skirt to denote some form of panty. Normally, that’s not a problem with most fashion dolls. But because Peep is so THICC, the distance between the front & back of her crotch is greater than the length of the panty ribbon. So that means Peep has to wear the skirt low on her waist, exposing her high top molded on panties. Or, you cut the damn ribbon off. But that would hurt the resale of the outfit and as a toy collector I just can’t do that!