>>6137757>credit goes to>>6140732>Credit: @This is the first time in nine years I've honestly ever seen anyone give "credit" to pictures here on 4chan or /toy/ which makes me wanna automatically ask if you're new. If you are than welcome new friend. Normally nobody ever gives the "sauce" (source) of an image here unless someone directly asks for it. If I had to guess why I would say it's because unlike on other sites threads here don't last for years, and years. Some threads 404 aka (auto delete) within a few hours. This being a slower board it sometimes takes a month or so, but eventually they are gone.
I think it's an ok idea to give the source aka "credit" to images. In the past I've been left wondering where some anons have gotten some cool doll pictures from, but I never feel like asking where they found them for some reason.
On the other hand I have also seen this become a negative thing. Back in 2010 when Toy Story 3 came out anons would post cool Toy Story collection photos, and talk about new upcoming merch. One dude came into the thread, and said "I see your posting pics from "Pixar Planet". I guess the anon told the guy his photos were being shared here because the very next day he took down ALL of his Toys Story collection images, only to re-upload them a few days later with LARGE ASS watermarks. The waters makes weren't even on the side of the images. The dude slapped his large water mark right across every single image which made every image look like shit from that point on. He started getting less views on his images do to them looking like shit, and eventually fuck off forever.
By the way credit for this photo goes to ME @MyShit #ITookThePhotoSoItsMINE