When I finish these guys it's time to come back to the real deal. Finally got the stuff I needed for the tiran and I should get to finally prepare the tiger for priming and finishing the fucking last track
>>6292093I hate the colors but the model looks good, try satin varnish next time. But why it's so shinny? If you did oils it should have killed the shine quite a lot coupled with weathering. Also if you weather it with some chipping and streaks don't forget the dust and mud, because if you don't put any it looks like its sitting abandoned (dunno if that's what you were after).
>Thinning varnish>Thinning "100% ACRYLIC RESIN" (written in big words on the bottle, that btw, also states that "can be thinned with water") with isopropyl alcoholLad, I would try next time to read a bit and think before using something. Do you put gasoline in a diesel car too just because both burn? You are the only one to blame for being illiterate and a retard.
Anyway you can try ammo mig (I use it straight from the bottle and I like their satin more than vallejo one), alclad (hard to find sometimes here a bit expensive for their results) and tamiya (pseudo-acrylic as you should know, can be thinned with their thinner, but incredibly expensive for the small quantity sold) for your varnish needs in europe.