Anyone remember Spiral Warriors? I HAD Overlord, wished I still did. The guy has NO skin underneath, just muscles. Maybe because of the figure I have this fear of body horror. Slasher movies do nothing to me. Dying due to murder, car crash, or what-have-you is at least quick; but the thought or being cut open and dissected while alive is truly horrifying... Enough of that morbid thinking. Had no idea that Kunio Okawara(Gundam MS designer), was the main designer of the toy line. Kinda interesting.
>>7394228>>7394229>>7394231These 3.75 scale? Cool concept but needing three or more figures to form one vehicle is asking a lot of the consumer. Imagine a kid bringing hand full of these to their parent asking to buy them and then told they can only have ONE. FFFFFFFFFFFFFF!