What kind of projects are y'all working on/planning? Right now I'm in the process of breaking down and cleaning up HAN-D's model from Risk of Rain 2 for articulation. I've got his arms working with spare revoltech joints. Pic is my rough sketch from planning articulation. Still working out the legs, those are a bitch to plan.
>>74868501.)I use blender, but sketchup seems cool too. I'm still learning it, but blender is really powerful already.
2.)I use a Creality CR-10. So far its been great, Didn't take much assembly and doesn't need much calibration (just bed leveling, and you can upgrade it to remove that step.)
3+4: Smooth-On silicone and resin kits .
>>7486857Something about resin printers doesn't appeal to me, the process seems to internal and lacks the exciting factor of watching it be extruded in front of your eyes by a very mechanical device. Obviously I can't deny the detail it gets though.
>>7487749The max volume is fuckhuge, can confirm.
>>7487530I haven't used the other two, but I can strongly recommend the CR-10 as a quality printer. My first was a Tevo Tarantula I built from a kit, and that was frustrating to try to get good prints out of, while the CR-10 has been smooth sailing, only took an hour from opening the box to having a nice test cube printing. As far as ease of use, I spent another hour or so setting up OctoPrint on a Raspberry PI to let me upload files and initiate prints from my desktop (where I slice in Cura), and that has replaced ever messing with SD cards and using the printer's menu (mostly, except during calibration.) It also lets me monitor my printer via webcam from work, and check the temperatures to make sure my house won't burn down, which is great for peace of mind. I'd be happy to help anyone out who wants to set that up and runs into issues.