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I was the one that got the business end of a toy.
I was in 1st grade at the after school daycare program with a kid I hung out with who was a 2nd grader. The daycare center had toy for the immense sandbox of a playground and the older kid one day had one of the plastic sand buckets. Keep in mind this was a thick-ass hard plastic bucket worn from use but still tough as shit. So the older kid put his foot in it to imitate having a peg-leg like a pirate, and then he decided to play a prank on me by kicking it at my chest. Well, me being a shorty and him not knowing his strength, he launched the bucket at me and it hit me in the face. The angle it was at and the speed of it flying at me split my lower lip all the way to the gum. I was a bleeding mess, got taken to the ER to get my lower lip sewn together, and two months later had my stitches removed (this was before dissolving stitches were a thing). Had a bump on the inner part of my lower lip ever since that for years I accidentally but once a moon while biting food.
TL;DR - sempai kicked me in the face with a bucket and split my lip in half.