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Note : This list release page is still under investigation, and will be translated as more information becomes available. The EMC_36 Figurine hints at a new reveal, but we are unsure in what capacity. A majority of these figurines will be revealed the 27th of December, 2017 with an estimated release date of February 2018. Keep checking back as we add more.
EHP_15 Buzzwole
EHP_16 Kommo-o
ESP_18 Garchomp
ESP_19 Ditto and Ditto Pikachu
ESP_20 Tapu Fini
EMC_31 Jangmo-o
EMC_32 Magikarp
EMC_33 Stufful
EMC_34 Sandygast
EMC_35 Alolan Dugtrio
EMC Quick Ball
EMC Luxury Ball
EMC Beast Ball
+ Unknown Beast Ball Series
-From Pokeshopper's description