>>11035083>>11035085I was so excited for this set and it's modularity. Looked to be the perfect pirate island base and very playable and fun. Then reviews come out and it's a dust collecting fragile display puece that breaks apart from a string sneeze.
Dodge that bullet.
I'm instead going to budget myself the $230 that set cost to buy a bunch of parts on bricklink and I'm gonna build my own Pirate Island. It may not be as pretty, but it'll be MINE and it'll have everything I want in a Pirate base and without Hotdog handrails. Maybe build a medium sized island on a blue baseplate and a smaller island for them to interact with. I had Volcano Island as a kid and loved it, maybe recreate that. I wanna make a dock big enough for my Creator Pirate Ship to dock at.
I really like that modularity idea though. I think I might steal that idea, but probably more functionality and less pretty.