>>6166974GT's is streamlined and well built proportions wise. Not sure how else to describe it, but all the parts merge to make a cohesive unit. The detailing makes it look less like a toy.The individual bots are quite nice and everything is self contained as far as the combiner goes with the extra pieces amounting to the chest plate and the generator arms. When combined he looks sublime.The arm and shoulder range is excellent. A lot of thought was put into the shoulder mechanism to make a ton of clearance despite the bulk. All the bots store their handguns on their body and everything can integrate into the altmodes/robot modes. Out of all of them Navvy makes the best robot thanks to how dynamic his articulation is, where I think Mixertruck makes the best vehicle.
There are some finish issues and not as much care gone into locking down parts. Scraper was wobbly legs and misaligned combiner joint, Mixing Truck can't really move his feet that well and some can't hold their gun. Bulldozer's entire arm assembly does fuck all to lock any of the moving parts in place and the many panels on him simply explode out. Crane has an issue with his crane ratchet that doesn't lock well and unpins itself, plus the combiner head cab parts will flop where ever they want to without polishing the ball joints. Dump Truck's shoulders don't tab well into place, and Navvy has arm flaps that feel like they were designed to lock somewhere but the designer forgot. The legs are mostly limited by their knee bend which is a shame and extreme poses aren't stable.
Poseidon looks more toyish thanks to its use of translucent plastics and combined proportions making him a beef slab on chunky, busy limbs. Each limb does 5 things and many of the parts are designed to be compatible so you get options for almost everything. Pic related has deathclaw in gun mode using Ironshell's weapon as the arm. The feet make him really stable. More thoughts here: