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Just got back from picking up a live action Belle & Beast set from Toys R Us, and I have to say I'm happy, confused, and disappointed all at the same time. He's my little review on all the dolls I saw.
There are five different Hasbro Belle dolls. The white wedding dress, and the blue peasant dress dolls are the most notably different, but each of the yellow dresses are also different.
The cheapest looking, and most glitterfied dress is the singing $30 "Enchanting Melodies Belle" doll who has no arm/wrist articulation. The Belle & Beast set doll that has arm/wrist articulation is priced at $50 yet shes not the one with the best quality dress.
The one with the best quality dress is the non singing $30 "Enchanting Ball Gown" Belle because she has a much more fancy bodice. The center of her bodice has an almost white lace center material which has a ruffled pattern. The dress is almost the same as the Belle/Beast set Belle doll, but the design on her dress has some added glitter.
I'm Happy because the set i got looks lovely.
I'm Disappointed because the dresses are made of different materials, and the one in the $50 set I bought doesn't have the superior dress.
I'm confused because it seems that there are TWO different variants of the non-singing $30 "Enchanting Ball Gown" doll. The dress on this doll seems to vary from store to store. The one I saw in person today had a white, lace, ruffled center material, but the one that shows up in online pictures, and even in some Youtube unboxing reviews don't have the extra white lace ruffled detail I saw today. Instead it has a simple cheaper one piece glittery yellow bodice.
Anyways sorry for the wall of text, but I wanted to give a heads up to those who were thinking of getting one of the new Hasbro Belle dolls.