Posting a cap since someone mentioned good old Red Alert. Sometimes it feels the hobby just saps all of my energy, but I have good bots like Red and Smokescreen to cheer me up a bit..
>>8931197That was my hope, yeah.. but to no avail. I'm getting a sad feeling in my tummy that our shelves will just be filled with Green Repaint and zero (0) Soundwaves...
>>8930781Th-this is a blueboard anon but probs the metric load of trap/twink pics
>>8931256Even without getting into the social politics, you could note that any creator who listens TOO much to his fanbase and starts using it as a gauge will end up deviating from what made his original work good. His earlier work during his fanfic days was good, check out Eugenesis if you liked early MTMTE.