>>8326412>>8327716The irony is that the 10-Competitor rule was pretty much the only rule they followed in DBS, but as I was contemplating the rules, I felt it wouldn't work for a toys based Toynament of Power. It's one thing to count Devastator based on his component robots, but what if someone entered a Dairugger or Mugenbine? At that point, we might as well go whole hog and count entire armies as one. Stuff like Army Men, it kinda depends if you want an army or just one badass soldier.
Anyway, here's my team. The way I figure, power levels are bullshit/pointless. What you need is plot armor. HOWEVER, when everyone's super, then no one is. So if everyone on my team had plot armor, then no one does.
So instead, my team is based on having a main character and the rest are jobbers.
My protag is Thor. Loki and Valkyrie are Asgardians, so they can put up a fight, but they're ultimately there to die/be eliminated so Thor can power up. Valkyrie's troublesome actually. At first, it seemed she was a great addition, being both black and the token girl, but that prevented me from having other black or female characters on my team. Since we only need one of those. So John Steward got replaced with Kyle Rayner, who is basically my Picollo and I'm down a healer, as I can't slot in Mercy from Overwatch.
Megatron is the leader of my group. He's there because he's ruthless and a tactician, and he could be redeemed via this tournament. But really, tactics won't matter. He's just here to fill the villain quota.
Speaking of redemption, that's where Baby Yoda comes in for Megatron. In addition to being a counter to any force users, anyone who eliminates Baby Yoda will probably lose their plot armor for eliminating the cute one.
Gomora is just a regular jobber. I'd have used Moguera, but Megatron already filled the robot quotient. Snake Eyes is the badass normal. Halo Red Spartan is Krillin. Junkrat is the craaaay craaaay wacky one.
It's all about Narrative Manipulation.