>>7684903https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33054377823.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000014.6.13b14357wimwQr&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.13338.136569.000000000000000&scm_id=1007.13338.136569.000000000000000&scm-url=1007.13338.136569.000000000000000&pvid=b68372f1-ee59-4d29-a36e-a4157ba53ebb bootleg, but confirms theres an official shma coming out soon due to the quality of the sculpt itself. the bootleggers probably got ahold of a prototype mold or something. the paint is like that because its mimicking the 2019 ghidorah. pic related is probably closer to what its actual color is going to be outside of the unpainted mane