>>10140151And I finally got to do my favorite part of any model / custom project, putting a coat of primer on to see how it's all coming together.
I can see a few areas that still need to be smoothed over with a bit more bondo, particularly where I worked on the abdomen muscles. Overall I'm really excited to see how the sculpting is turning out, though.
This week I need to go to the auto shop and see if I can find some vinyl primer for the head, hands and feet. I think the sculpting on his back piece is just about done, and I've made progress on one of his arms and one of his legs. I'm not too worried about "crimes" being visible where the fur is going to be covering up, although in the case of the abdomen I want to make sure I have a nice clean looking urface before the final layers of paint and the fur flock go down. The fur on his arms will probably be a bit longer and most of the work right now is going to be grinding down the joint wheels to make sure that no paint is going to scuff off while posing him.