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I also have Mega construx; I set them in the aftermath of a great scattering where a conglomerate of Mega bloks systems has arisen as the closest analogue to the ancient Imperium.
On the surface, they appear to be a series of bickering corporate world states who engage in endless but limited conflicts with accordance to galactic corporate laws. Underneath, everything is controlled by a benevolent shadow government of Destiny awoken who can trace their lineage back to Imperial nobility.
They are facing two crisises. First is the threat of Empress Palmer, a technoscribe of the Destiny Order gone rogue with the ancient (but advanced compared to the current tech level of the Mega Conglomerate) designs for Spartan armour.
Using a cult of personality, she has raised a powerful empire comprised of Spartan pattern armour equipped zealots, clones, robots and other rogue Destiny Order members. This has forced the Destiny order to reintroduce Spartan armour to the Conglomerate through the various corporations they hold majority shares in.
The other crisis is an impending retalitory fleet from an alien group known as the Lego dominion. They seek to liberate worlds under siege from raiding CoD soldiers.
The Conglomerate is willing to circumvent non interference laws regarding low tech level Mega bloks civilisations in this situation but are far less willing to go to war with completely unknown alien forces.
Unbeknownst to them, the Lego Dominion has been at peace for so long; and has disarmed for so long, that this advanced but small taskforce fleet is all the Dominion central command could spare!
The only relief the conglomerate has for now is that for some reason, her forces along their space borders have stopped amassing. They would find out later that she had been at war with a covanant remnant who had been long decimated by the old Imperium millenia ago.