>>5288611>Unless you buy your own gift cards for some strange and bizarre reason,Actually what seems strange and bizarre to you is how my life works. Nobody ever gives me a gift card but I always end up with them anyways.
Ever try returning something to the Disney Store or any store for that matter without a receipt ?
They never give you back cash money but almost always end up giving you store credit in the form of one of their gift cards.
So in my particular case it really is my money thats turned into a gift card because I sometimes accidentally misplaced store receipts.
On a side note the following has nothing to do with what we are talking about but since you seem to be new to the world of store credit I'll just give you a tip/ heads up.
Sometimes you end up losing even more money when you misplaced a store receipt because SOME STORES will only give you a gift card for the lowest price point the item sold for in the past 2 years. So lets say you paid $50 for a $17" singing light up Elsa doll if it was ever on sale for even one random weekend at $35 your not getting a $50 gift card which would be what you paid for it but a $35 gift card.