>>6292883I know I won't be the first to say it but:
Am I the only one truly bummed by the lack of a Victory Saber in Titans Return? Oh, I know there's a very damn good chance we'll see a retail Star Saber in Power of the Primes but in the event that line doesn't feature some 'power up mode' gimmick it seems like a missed opportunity. He would have been the only Leader class where a full-helmet-over-tiny-head feature (like PM Prime, Blaster and Soundwave) would have actually made sense and not been goofy. He could have gone all "BATTLE UP!" and it would have been a neat callback to Victory.
I hope that if we do get a good retail Star Saber in POTP that he at least has some engineering call back to his original toy and the brainmaster gimmick.