>>7777316>>7777320It's not the Iconic marine style people grew up with all these years. It's necessarily bad per say in and of itself from a design standpoint but it is definitely not classic marine. If you have a hard time figuring out why this can be a problem to people, just think about something like how they changed Storm Troopers for the new Star Wars, or how they altered all the vehicle designs(Stupid double canopy pelican) in 343 Halo games, plenty of cases of making a significant change in design after such a long time upsetting the fans.
Biggest and most IMMEDIATELY noticeable difference is in the helmet. There are various other differences in the rest of the armor, but arguably the most important difference that rustled Everyone's jimmies when they were revealed... was the size. See 40k is a tabletop game, you have to buy exhibitively expensive figures to play it, and most space marine players likely had an army they built and added to over many years. Now along comes these brand new marines and they are bigger then the old marines. And it's not like how they usually lunch new products to armies where the majority of the old army is still usuable and even possible to convert into new stuff if you know how. No in this case its almost as if they made a Primaris Marine that served the same role as every other previous marine figure, but did it better, so you almost have to buy an ENTIRE army all at once. And the size means you can't convert old marines to the Primaris style without a lot of modding work.
So yeah, got folk really salty about them right from the get go and the way they got crammed in the lore made it clear there wasnt much thought put into them outside of 'how do we get more money from players?"