>Long Haul needed to be bigger since he's just a torso brick anyway>forearms too big, can't peg them to vehicles like the G1 toys, should be purple>included drills are unpainted black>leg piece does nothing, should be purple with big hip cannons>gimmicky firing fists no one neededIt's like it wants to be a G1 toy update but falls short in too many areas and strays into that Studio OX drawing for its own good.
>>6998831>rapes women>thinks copyright theft is a serious issuetypical rich person. No wonder he's backed by musicians who claim "piracy killed rock"
>>6998924go kill yourself, Jin. You're the one who admitted he jacks it while he watches his wife fuck black guys and Hasbro are bigger IP thieves than China. Your hatred of 3P is just blatant retardation at this point,. go buy more Hasjwbro toys and IDSJW comics, you are their bitch anyway.