Any recommendations for CA glue when doing 1/700 photoetch?
I'm getting new tweezers so hopefully that will fix part of my issue but when I tried last time I would put a drop of CA glue onto a plastic lid
Then I'd either pick the part up with tweezers and dip it onto the drop or I'd get a toothpick and use that to put the CA onto the part
My problem was either that the part would get flooded and glue the photoetch part to the tweezers or that it just wouldn't glue at all
The second was usually the most common and would usually lead to the first occurring when I was frustrated
I'm watching Plasmo's video on his Bismarck build and if you look at just floods the area with the CA glue before putting the part on
I did this a few times but it leaves the surface irregular which is noticeable when you stare up close or with a magnifying glass
Am I just meant to suck it up and stop being autistic?
God thinking about photoetch is making me angry
>>10596385Sorry by pedestal I mean pic related