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Hype for G3? We are winning Baku bros...
Bakugan G3 introduces entirely new gameplay for the franchise. While the full extent of the game is not currently known, this version of the game no longer uses the TCG format of the previous five seasons, moving towards a game that utilizes a split-card system.
Bakugan has four known cards sets:
DRA - first set of metal, "terrain" style cards
INS - second set of metal, "terrain" style cards
CC - the larger, "top" half of the cards which are the Bakugan themselves
SA - the smaller lower half of the cards which appear to serve as additional "weapons" or bonuses
In keeping with the split theme, Bakugan also introduces Special Attack Bakugan that have halves that can sperate and combine with other respective Bakugan halves, similar to Generation 1's BakuTech Bind System.
Bakugan no longer uses the Faction system from Generation 2, instead adding a new set of symbols, each with currently unknown purposes and meanings:
Dragon symbol
Avian symbol
In addition, a secondary symbol - that of a Bakugan Ball sticking out its tounge - appears on certain Bakugan and their Character Cards.