Quoted By:
Gen Selects G2 Ramjet
MP-52 Starscream
Titan Autobot Ark
Gen Selects Transmutate
>walmart exclusive
Netflix Spoiler pack Megatron+Skullivore 2 pack
Netflix Optimus Primal+Rattrap 2 pack
Netflix Sparkless Seeker 3 pack
Deluxe Scorponok
Deluxe Tracks
Deluxe Wheeljack
Deluxe Wingfinger
Voyager Rhinox
Leader Galvatron
Commander Rodimus
>shared exclusive
Beast Wars Vintage Optimus Primal
Beast Wars Vintage Megatron
Beast Wars Vintage Cheetor
Beast Wars Vintage Rattrap
Deluxe SG Blurr
MP-52+ Thundercracker
Voyager SG Megatron
Deluxe Tricranius Fire Blast Collection
PF BB Bumblebee
PF Siege Optimus
MP-53 Skids
MP-54 Reboost
>amazon exclusive
Grimlock and Mirage 2 pack
Gen Selects Black Zarak
MP-52+ Skywarp
Core Soundwave
Core Draconite
SS Slag
(dates tentative based on stores maintaining street dates and online stores shipping on time)