>Toy Con NJ November 10th & 11th, 2018!Not only will the Four Horsemen Be on hand to greet everyone there and sign whatever you want to bring them, but both Lord Veteris And the Fury Clan Or Will be making their debut at the show! Lord Veteris & the Fury Clan Orc will only be sold as a set, and the cost will be $80.00 for the pair.
>Advent of Decay 2.0 SHIPPING OUT NOWWe'll be sending out new batches of boxes every other day or so until everything's shipped. The Kickstarter backer orders will all ship out first. Then the first round of Store Horsemen pre-orders will ship.
>Mythic Legions ALL-STARS 2.0 - MYTHIC LEGIONS: SOUL SPILLER - 2nd ADVENT OF DECAY PRE ORDERIn order to get Mythic Legions: All-Stars 2.0, Mythic Legions: Advent of Decay pre-order 2 and Mythic Legions: Soul Spiller out as soon as possible, ALL THREE WAVES will be shipping at the same time in January 2019 (that's FOUR full containers!!) and should be at our warehouse and ready to ship out to customers in February 2019.
The plus in shipping everything that's currently pre-ordered by then is that we'll be able to avoid the annual Chinese New Year production delays that some companies will be experiencing, and you'll be getting the Soul Spiller wave a couple of months earlier than we were expecting!
>Four Horsemen has increased there activity on instagram, lots of new pictures being postedhttps://www.instagram.com/four_horsemen_studios/>BBTS has Advent of Decay, Allstars 2.0 And Soul Spiller Waves up for preorder at an increased price (shipping out February 2019)http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Search?Brand=7413>Complete list of figureshttps://i.imgur.com/eOGlbvC.jpg >Accessory list can be found here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qZQDUZjHn-r8CXKk38-TmLqqiDP-rQFwV8ourEhs5w8/edit>Last thread>>7215348