>>6103020>Would a 210 CFM fan be adequate for 30 minute sessions with acrylicsLength of the session is irrelevant, only the psi and the continuous spraying time is.
Type of paint is also irrelevant since if you end up with shit in your lungs it doesn't really matter what specific kind of shit it is. Even 100% edible substances are not safe to breathe in.
>>6103101 said, you need to consider the booth size, length of ducts etc and 300cfm is a good starting point.
If you're building your own booth might as well design it so that the fan is easily swappable in case you need to upgrade. Or in case the fucking thing dies and you need to replace it.
>>6103101>whether you have filters or notYou should absolutely have a filter. Cheap shitty fiberglass furnace ones are the best.