Quoted By:
>Be me
>Going with parents to another house
>Meet some loser kid I've never seen before in my life
>His room is a Lego landfill and in it a shitload of mistreated bonkles
>Rare kanohi and krana too
>He has no idea what he owns
>Multiple misprints, multiple complete krana sets for several colors
>I look at them, I touch them, they all feel and look real, despite my disbelief
>He's distracted, adults not paying attention either
>I take everything I can and hide it in my pockets
>Miraculously just enough space to steal the mint condition Huki he has too after disassembling him
>He's clueless through the whole visit
>We leave and I get back home with all the loot
>I wake up today
>Realize it was all bullshit and I do not now own twice as many krana as before, one more Mctoran and a second yellow Kaukau