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odd topic time!
I have recently come to the realization that a lot of people that I follow re-shelled their dolls/characters and sadly enough the new shells they picked are pretty bad in my opinion. I don't think is me being attached to the old image but the fact that them trying to copy the old character into a new sculpt kinda ruins it since the sculpts are not the same, but over all the job is just sloppy and messy, like they ran out of juice and are now just trying to reshell character after character, but nothing is working.
For example, I know we all dislike elfgutz a lot, for several reasons but I have always liked Comet because you could tell she put a lot of effort (based on her skill level) into that one doll, but now her work is sloppier and like an elfgutz copycat, it has come to the point in which her own work looks like a copy of her old work. Jeez, kinda sad.
So anons, what doll owners do you believe have send their dolls to hell? As in they ruined them instead of improving them.