Transformations are a bit fiddly, also Roadquake's got two left thumbs which makes her not peg together quite right, however a minor bit of surgery should make it far less of an issue and it doesn't affect robot mode. Also £15, I'm not too mad.
Vehicle modes themselves are good though. The bomber is super cool, Speedbump's little Akira bike is great and QC issue aside I actually love Roadquake's ATV trike mode. With the colours it makes me think of some kind of cargo hauler.
>>10039520Eh, I like 'em. Not like must-owns but for what I paid for them and what they are, they're really enjoyable. Glad BFB is still going (IIRC Mooka came out much later, sold super well and is a fantastic toy) and I hope they do other "different" things in the future.