So NYCC came by quickly and we got some new info for the McFarlane's Fortnite figures. They are slated to come out some time in the fall, "before Christmas". There are 2 currently revealed waves at the moment, seen in the second post of this thread, and Todd has stated that he and the creators of the game are working quite closely, and they may even release figures and skins in the game at the same time (more info about that in the link below). He expects good things with regards to his Fortnite toys in 2019. is the first figure revealed, but now seen in package. We can more clearly see the articulation of the figure, which includes, double elbows, double knees, ball wrists, mid torso and waist ball pegs, and what looks like some kind of butterfly joint (could also be a ball peg into the torso, or even just some sculpting and no joint at all), among others. It definitely looks quite impressive, especially for McFarlane. Hopefully this level of articulation is brought in to McFarlane Toys' other licenses.