>>10090740And you, pointedly, repeatedly, have ignored
STAR. WARS. Vintage Collection has been running for that entire time, give or take a small period of time. Has been under Disney's purview about the same time as Marvel. And? As I said multiple times? Is still competitively priced
Not 2 years ago.
Not 10 years ago.
Now. Still under 15 at big box retail. And they don't just cook these products up in an instant either, they take about a year total to develop and get made. So the Retro Collection Indy? Was probably in the works for at least that long.
Meaning that it's not as susceptible to the price increase you're talking about. It will be affected, but not as much. Anyway, if you want a win, take a bow, because you're never going to get over the taste of corporate dick.