>>6449865I never searched at all though, the first was just because we became friends and things went from there, we still talk but not much, second I thought I'd step out of my comfort zone but ended because I wasn't feeling it, third I thought I'd kill it off because of what was said (she was also very bad socially, I do fuck all, but with her even though she sent txt EVERY single day at EVERY hour we never got out of "oh what foods do you like" kinda discussions, I need more bite, even talking about political ideologies which I hate would of been more stimulating)
Really if I wanted to put myself out there I could...do social stuff like go to clubs, drink, but I don't do that, outside of work its just gaming, toy hunts, build models, that's it, and my group of friends are closed circle.
So unless someone wants to hit me up at work again I'm actually content being on my own, I don't give a shit if its a neet, a cliche' geeky girl with all the funkos or a landwhale mimicing a tumblr girl (that's each of the 3 dates I kid you not) you need to hold to my interest.