>>9536992Plasma Dragons! Balefyre, Iceblaze, and Clawshock all 'transform' into 'eggs' by wrapping their wings around themselves; Crymson, the little guy in the front, doesn't do anything, but his egg comes with a sticky 'yolk' that can wrap around him. Clawshock came with a little dude orc dude that had a green hammer, but I have no idea where he went; the other two may also have had companions, but I can't find any trace of them. Random bit of trivia: an iceblaze appears in three of Megablocks'/Mega Construxs' lines, and while the Dragons Universe and Breakout Beasts incarnations of the character are male, her original appearance here in the Plasma Dragons line is apparently female, making her, Aroara, Radiax and Archeaop the only females in the whole line across all of its sub-lines.