>>6213271>>6213271There is the pilot don or something who lived on an island who used nothing but marital arts since his zaku 2 and himself completely abandoned the war and lived in isolation until amuro ray and the Gordon came around and blew it up because there was no need for it, otherwise I would consider them obedient dependable until something stronger comes and makes it cry.
Pic related on the other hand (recent purchase, fuck my wallet) has a sentient ai that hides itself called the alice system.
She loved an incompetent pilot so much she pushed him out via ejection and completed a mission kamikaze style (the ai did all the work but he had no idea he did fuck all), so I got my fat ass waifu who's willing to die for me.
I know its silly to suggest but try the gundam wikia and look for any notable pilots, you may find some good personality to make your gruntdom waifu material, (dodged a bullet since the pilot is an ass)