>>6614378I actually like the pace of these threads. You can actually kinda keep up to date wich minimizes low effort reposts in a sea of fast clickbaity material.
>>6614527But that makes room for the best part. Making it even better!
Honestly the last sets i buy i'm so impatient and quickly sidetracked to mod it them it feels almost frustrating when i do the first courtesy-build.
>>6614556Unironic response:
You can still cherish the things you cherish. You will probably still cherish the things you cherished. Things are things, it is what it is. And what it is, is beautiful.
I study art-history, want to get into more classic academic school of drawing. Was brought up by avant garde and conceptual art circle of parents. I don't give a hoot about art. What is considered or defined as art or who may or may not decide what art is. It literally doesn't fucking matter unless you have a goverment trying to subsidize the production of art in a fair way, or if you want validation of your subjective interests by peers within the safety of an objective realm.
Using the term art as a label that possesses inherent quality is silly. However i still like Max Beckmann, Rembrandt, DooM and the 6951 Robot command centre just as much as i always did.