>>7445514I finished a RG FB ensambling two months ago, same problem with moving arms without poping out the corefighter conector. On the RG GP01 this problem is not present.
If in your country you have access to super glue, I recommend you to experiment on a brand that doesnt burn or melt the plastic, so you can use a little on the two conectors on the back of the torso part to create a very fine layer that fits better the hole (of course let it dry before), you'll see that it wont pop off so easy. (BTW use some glue also on the base of the connector so the tension of the piece doesnt break at the base)
I have use a brand of super glue that's meant for fibers and clothes, it's very durable, even when I was building my RG Sinanju I applied a layer of super glue on the joints to avoid fissures and floopyness and now it's almost an action figure.
It would be a shame if you glue your core fighter all together anon, best of luck!