>>8994881Bot mode is pretty simple, but she's really short; I keep thinking of how hude Tankor was in his robot mode, but Stockade here is actually a tiny bit shorter than Magna Stampede if you don't count the cannon. Speaking of which, while the cannon normally folds up like in the pic, you can still raise it up to sit on her shoulder, and by manually turning the little gear on the bottom, you can fire it. Her arms and legs are a bit annoying - her forearms don't have any real swivel to them, and the cannon makes moving her right arm up impossible when it's in firing configuration; she does have a waist swivel, but her hips aren't balljoints, so no real articulation there. Her knees are really weird - to bend them, you need to slide them out to the side first, rotate them, then mush them back in, which locks them in place. This means that she technically won't fall over no matter what pose you put her in, since the joint locks, but it's pretty annoying that you have to unlock them EVERY SINGLE TIME you want to do anything with her. Lastly, I didn't realize it when I took the picture, but I have her torso backwards here - those aren't supposed to be toes, they're her heels, which is why the legs are angled so strangely.