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Name a toy franchise/fanbase that gets cucked and blue balled harder
>Revived under the name Vor-Tech in 1996
>It lasts one line and the show is partially lost media
>Matt Trakker figure is released for GI Joe's 25th anniversary in 2008
>Leads to nothing, it was a one and done deal
>Unit:E from 2011 has M.A.S.K. featured suggesting plans for a revival
>Unit:E never goes anywhere
>IDW Hasbro Universe is made in 2016
>Matt Trakker is black and the M.A.S.K. ongoing was one of the worst entries of the bunch and died quickly like anything that wasn't Transformers
>Only M.A.S.K. toy released during this time is said black Trakker as an SDCC exclusive
>Hasbro Cinematic Universe plans are made in 2015
>Dies in 2021 with plans not going forward, in fact nothing came out of it
>Odds are Matt probably would've been black anyways
>Line can't come back to retail because of the over dependence on vehicles