>>8222135I only bought Rapunzel because I fell in love with her new face mold, and since her hair was in a braid I knew it wouldn't get messy over time due to the cheap quality of the hair. I was majorly let down when I found out that she had no knee joints. I'm also with you on the doll stand issue. What type of collector doll that's priced at over $20 doesn't include a doll stand? It's the very least they could have thrown in considering how cheap they went on the outfits and hair.
>(Jasmine even has painted on leggings jfc)I would normally be bitching about them covering up her iconic midriff, but this is even more unforgivable. Painted on legs means that you can't even buy the doll, and put her in a better quality outfit if you wanted too. That's what I did with Ariel. I bought the doll, but only kept the actual doll. I put the doll in a nice outfit, and the crappy outfit was put on a cheap $8 Hasbro Ariel doll.