>>6166245As a team they are cohesive and great. Each bot has something going for them. The combiner is sturdy and won't break, the alt modes have that biomechanical sculpt that TFC does well, and there are tasteful bits of translucent plastic. TFC managed to not make them look like slightly better looking Unicron Trilogy toys like their other releases. Deathclaw is the best of the bunch and excels in all modes over his other teammates. but each have something going for them. Cyberjaw isn't as clean on the back and has wonky ass feet and I feel he's the weakest link. The sword is very nice in combined mode as well.
Some issues I ran into are mostly nitpicks that are in no where deal breakers. The obvious issue is that he can't hold a limb in gun mode well. Transforming Ironshell's shell is difficult as the chest plate jams up on everything when you rotate it. The instructions are totally shit and tiny...so given that all the limbs have distinct modes it gets annoying trying to figure out what they want you to do. It gets worse when you realize all the limbs have some specific double jointed knee positions that differ in all modes and that's a bitch in a half. The crotch flap moves in one piece on the combiner which can look odd. There's a lack of paint, and the paint that is there can scratch easy. The components comes with so many parts not used in other modes so you need a baggie to keep track of them..They cost a bit too much for what they are in my opinion and should be about $80 a limb.There's a lot of sharp bits that you can poke yourself on. Some limbs are better than others both functionality wise and aesthetics (IE: wonky gun modes, Cyberjaw has a hole in his arm mode, Mentarazor as a leg can get a double joint knee bend, etc). Also the head sticks too far back, and the fix for that looks like a nightmare.