There, I've updated all my photos with a timestamp (two different timestamps - I used one whilst taking photos for the first hour and a bit, and then I took a break, crossed out the old one and wrote down a new one, and then did the last set of images). Also, I have not edited nor colour-corrected the images in any way (I wanted to colour-correct them, but I thought that they'd be better completely unedited, given everything that has happened)
Hopefully that is at least a start to fixing this personal disaster. I have emailed everyone who has bought from me and will be taking photos of everything during packaging and after packaging if/when I sell things here in the future, since people apparently like impersonation and bandwagoning. You know, because coming here to scream "HAHA I SCAMMED YOU" is apparently logical.
I've also included my driver's license in my photos (with my personal details covered up) so that you can at least see I have a legitimate NZ license (and the NZ Post boxes I use for shipping should also be evidence enough).
Finally, I've attached a photo of Fansproject's Tusker just to prove I do own this as well, but have decided to give it to a friend who is a big Transformers fan because it doesn't really seem worth selling from what I've seen. Oh, and I decided to keep Animated Voyager Optimus Prime as well, in case that matters to anyone. I'd like to keep a single Animated toy, is all.
Also, just as a general statement: if you're going to file a PayPal dispute with someone, at least don't flat-out lie (because someone who bought from me outright said they never authorised payments to me, and I have email correspondence saying otherwise). Even IF you think someone is a scammer, at least don't lie yourself. I'm just saying that nobody, let alone just myself, wants this sort of nonsense (and, you know, all the other nonsense from the past few days that I wish I had checked up on sooner. Lesson learnt, apparently).