>>6789628>Its hasbros fault for being so complacent and not speaking against itAre you retarded or something? Why would a company licence out it's products then allow the company that licensed from them to ignore all their current media that they NEED advertised to make bank on? Hasbro literally has to put out product for FA, RO, TLJ, and Solo, even though fans might not give a fuck about them. The only thing Hasbro is doing is cheaping out and making that shit 5poa.
MEANWHILE, they've got a crowdfunded Jabba playset in the works that's getting closer and closer to being a fifth of a way funded in only ONE DAY, with 44 more days left. We're at 869 backers now. By tomorrow it could be over 1,000.
>Then why is the main droid and every single non human character absent from the toyline?Because dumbass they have to do Han, Lando, and that feminist cunt, because those ARE THE MAIN CAST, and THEY HAVE to do them. Nobody gives two shits about that literal who fanfic droid.