>>8011222>one pre-BTAS Mr FreezeYou're a giant nostalgic casualfag, huh?
Mr Freeze pretty much had two costumes pre-BTAS since he was created in the 50s. He was not a popular character, so his look didn't change all that much aside from recolorings of his original costume.
And he's had a bazillion costumes since BTAS, yet you still want to pretend it's somehow definitive? Casual as fuck.
Here's another bulky armor he had BEFORE that movie you think invented his bulky look.
>>8011305Nah, i never said that Carnage doesnt have a mouth. I said symbiote acts like a optical camoflage mask to cover his face, but you guys continued to prove that you never read a comic book in your life, using poorly colored cherry picked images instead of actually providing a source for your false beliefs that the head simply disappears.
>>8011517I'm not in my 40s and i'm a co-owner of a successful business. But that just goes to show that guy lives in a delusional world, because he's been butthurt for over 10 years that people don't share his opinion on his favorite toys.