>>9916012>>9916025Back when Motu and DC Classics were going on, everyone assumed they used a Motu buck when Mattel revealed the Dark Knight Returns Supes and Batman. But when answering questions, Toy Guru said they weren’t allowed to mix bodies like that.
The 4 Horsemen also have mentioned they have to resculpt entire figures, even if they look the same, just because the lines are separate. This was in reference to questions about Gygor just being an upscaled version of Gorilla Grodd’s sculpt.
The rule seems to be that Mattel can use sculpts between properties they own, but any figures made for another company, like DC, can’t be shared.
There seems to also be some leeway when it comes to accessories though, as some have crossed between the two lines. Most noticeable is their Zoar/eagle sculpt.
The wrestling figures are probably treated similarly to the DC Classics. Their sculpts are original, even if they are similar and compatible.