>>8783657> Yeah, the skin stuff wasn't a physical part of them, though it did have a mental effect on them. Megatron pulls off most of his kibble in either 'Before the Storm' or 'Other Voices Part 1', and Tarantualus and a bunch of the other Preds detach parts of theirs and scatter them around the Darksyde when they're faking their deaths in 'Victory?'. It isn't until Beast Machines that the stuff actually becomes part of them and actually deforms itself into the appropriate parts during transformation, which is why there's virtually no kibble on their in-show models and why you'll notice that none of the beast mode heads are visible (it was unavoidable with the toys due to how they're engineered).>Holy shitSee pic related - her 'robot' head pops out of her beast forehead, and the middle eyes become her robot ones while the rest of it just sort of melts away; her spider legs fuse together into her hands and feet, and her whole torso 'melts' until it becoems her robot torso, leaving only her abdomen the same. It's totally different from how the characters transformed in BW, and is a bit like a werewolf-transformation done in reverse with some of the transformation hidden behind a bright flash to make it a little less nightmare-inducing. The point was that they two modes were no longer separate things, but now one and the same.
>I didn't watch too much of BM but I don't know why it was so hippie and why Smegmatron suddenly hated organicThat much is still unclear, since he had no such disdain during BW; all I remember is that every time he his beast mode shell removed, it kept growing back when he had an emotional outburst. It still wasn't a part of his physiology, but his body kept creating a new Pretender Shell every time he got mad, which was weird.
>your pic of CohradaNever actually saw him before, and just looked him up - reminds me of Night Viper, but his Beast Mode looks a lot better. Interesting.