Not my photo
>>9414857I could be mistaken about the swords still existing, missiles are gone on Primal. This is assuming any of these toys still exist in my posesssion.
>missing a beast forelegWhat how??
>amazed Quickstrike survived intact, seeing as how easily disassembled he was for playtime battle damageYeah he has like 40 balljoints what the fuck, how did you even lose the other bits but not- aaaaaaa
>Airrazor remains intact and badass.Yeah, she's pretty great, I had the Fox one so she had a plain orange face. Even after seeing her debut episode, I had no idea those wre supposed to be booba
>>9414895>It adds a lot of playability and looks great once you push him enough.Yes, but- hm. It was an issue with just one front wheel- took it apart and it was just pushed into the pin a bit more than the other wheel was, and I had no physical means to loosen it, but now both front wheels don't spin as easily. Minorly bummed, but theoretically he'll still roll well on my bed or a place with more traction. The trailer wheels make a satisfying noise.