I was online when the movie came out, so i well connected to what all the nerds were crying about.
There was a lot of anger over midichlorians and Jar JAr, but all these nerds were still eating all that shit up, especially all the Darth Mauls.
It was hugely popular whether you liked it or not. There was no rage quitting like there has been with the new films.
Best selling figures don't come from hated movies, unlike all the shelf warming Darth Emos, Master Jedi Mary Sue, Finn, and barely characters from Rogue One.
Main characters like these disappeared when they were released in toy stores for TPM, AotC, and RotS. They still disappear today.
Sorry, but you're dead wrong and are only looking back with a bitter heart, if you're even old enough to have been allowed to go online back when nearly every site barred kids under 13 year olds to join the communities.