>>11119034The apathy is what I was alluding to, that and the inhumanity of it all. Cracking jokes about specific instances of death or serious injury caught on film and gone viral - the ukie guy jumping on a mine or the russian tank driving over a mine and disintegrating in a flash - this is the kind of thing soldiers on the front lines do as a coping mechanism. None of us keyboard warriors are anywhere near those front lines (that I know of anyway), very few will have been in the past.
Had an online friend many years ago, he was fun-loving, jocular, bigtime metal head. Then he did a tour in Afghanistan. When he came back he was visibly different, even for just being a chatroom friend you could tell the difference. He never outright said it but he strongly implied he'd had to kill some people while deployed.
I certainly get the point of a lot of the footage we're shown is for its propaganda value; ukies spam gore of russians getting droned, russians spam mechgore of ukie armor getting droned, back and forth. Sure we've had a lot already in the last decade but the wars in Ukraine and Israel/Palestine have taken that up to 11 and to wider audiences than ever before. Couple that with all the other bad things going on and yeah, we're definitely touching the rock bottom that got most of humanity erased in the distant past.