>>6079695She actually got pretty popular with offering that Andreja aesthetic for cheap on recasts.
And yes, she's banned from DoA for posting recasts and without recasts she probably wouldn't be that popular nowadays.
She's known for lying and trying to "cute" herself out of unpleasant situations too.
Like, playing all "I am still so young and ~just human~, please forgive me for fucking up and lying constantly", while she has a business and took money from people well before she turned 18.
She posted recasts without labelling them as such, while trying to sell those dolls.
She posted a big ass apology post full of lies, and when people brought those up she deleted her post.
Apparently all her dolls are legit know, but I still doubt it.
Not to mention the fact her face-ups always looked like crusty shit, she has zero creativity and isn't always giving 100% for her customers.
>>6079499However, her doll is honestly okay.
Way better than Kayke's, both aesthetically and because she didn't go the cheap "I sculpt everything 3D and let someone else do the joints" route too.
I also get a bigger Enaibi vibe (mostly because of the thick Wakfu aesthetic) from it, but honestly, I stopped caring about female artist dolls by now.
They are either the big hipped French type or the retarded artsy Russian anorexia look.
I also don't get why this is still a thing, like who sits down and thinks "you know, there are a million small titty/wide hips females already out there, I need to do my own!!!1"?
It's such a specific thing it's weird that it's now dominating so much.